Follow-up Comment #10, bug #66040 (group groff): I said:
> Accented vowels are members of those equivalence classes in GNU troff That's actually not true. In German, they're _all_ _sui generis_ except for the uppercase versions. .hcode ä ä â â à à á á ã ã å å æ æ .hcode ç ç .hcode é é è è ë ë ê ê .hcode í í ì ì î î ï ï .hcode ñ ñ .hcode ó ó ò ò ô ô ö ö ø ø .hcode ú ú ü ü û û . .hcode Ä ä Â â À à Á á Ã ã Å å Æ æ .hcode Ç ç .hcode É é È è Ë ë Ê ê .hcode Í í Ì ì Î î Ï ï .hcode Ñ ñ .hcode Ó ó Ò ò Ô ô Ö ö Ø ø .hcode Ú ú Ü ü Û û . .hcode ß ß What I gather is that what bug #42870, and you, are asking for is that we be able to substitute special characters for these ordinary ones. And if that is the case I agree. I think the only reason it hasn't been done is because there was no good answer for "what character code does a special character have"? *My* answer, which one may claim is not a very good one, is that we can make one up--one that is larger than 255 so there is no chance of collision in GNU _troff_'s currently limited mind. The same technique can be retained in a UTF-8 GNU _troff_; Unicode is a 20.1-bit encoding in a 32-bit space. We'll have some room. And even if the set of predefined special characters is completely handled by existing defined Unicode code points (spoiler alert: it isn't, but just barely), users can create new special characters with the `char` request so we'll still need the flexibility anyway. I mean, assuming any _groff_ user would ever write custom hyphenation pattern files for their constructed language. Proper hyphenation of Sindarin, coming in _groff_ 1.25! _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah
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