Follow-up Comment #20, bug #66040 (group groff):

Whoops, the "66040.test" file of the last comment wasn't a fair test: ".hcode
\[~o] \[~o]" and ".hcode \[~o] o" don't do equivalent things.  To be
equivalent, the second one should be (in Latin-1 encoding) ".hcode \[~o] õ".
But making this change produces no change in the breaking of "mythõlõgy," so
that test is inconclusive.

Maybe, instead of testing behaviors, I should just use the new tools available
to peer directly into groff's mind.  February's .pchar request tells me what I
want to know.

$ iconv -f iso-8859-1 66040.pchar.test
.pchar \[~o]
.hcode \[~o] \[~o]
.pchar \[~o]
.hcode \[~o] õ
.pchar \[~o]
.hcode \[~o] o
.pchar \[~o]
$ groff-latest -ww 66040.pchar.test 2>&1 | fgrep 'hyphenation code:'
  hyphenation code: 0
  hyphenation code: 0
  hyphenation code: 0
  hyphenation code: 111

So this confirms that the ".hcode \[~o] \[~o]" does nothing, and also now
fails to warn or error (the problem originally reported for this ticket, fixed
in August, and broken again at some point hence).

The Latin-1 input line ".hcode \[~o] õ" also does nothing and fails to report
this.  (The "does nothing" part is additionally distressing because that used
to work, but I need to look into whether this is an intentional change in how
input encoding is handled.  The present ticket concerns only the "fails to
report" aspect, and that's a valid concern even if "does nothing" is expected
in this case.)


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