For what it's worth, in an ongoing project in use:

   #include <QtWidgets>

   #include <iostream>
   #include <sstream>

   #include <apl/libapl.h>

   #include "aplexec.h"

   AplExec::aplExec (apl_op_e apl_op, QString &cmd,
              QString &outString, QString &errString)
     LIBAPL_error execerr = LAE_NO_ERROR;

     switch(apl_op) {
     case APL_OP_EXEC:
         std::stringstream outbuffer;
         std::streambuf *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf();
         std::stringstream errbuffer;
         std::streambuf *cerrbuf = std::cerr.rdbuf();
         execerr = apl_exec (cmd.toStdString ().c_str ());
         outString = QString (outbuffer.str ().c_str ());
         errString = QString (errbuffer.str ().c_str ());
     case APL_OP_COMMAND:
         std::stringstream errbuffer;
         std::streambuf *cerrbuf = std::cerr.rdbuf();
         const char *res = apl_command (cmd.toStdString ().c_str ());
         if (res) {
           outString = QString (res);
           free ((void *)res);
         errString = QString (errbuffer.str ().c_str ());

     return execerr;

I.e., I'm capturing stdout and stderr in strings.

On 1/27/23 10:18, Dr. Jürgen Sauermann wrote:
Hi enztec,

not sure if this helps, but if I remember correctly (I may not) then the main GNU APL output goes to *stderr* (fd 2) and not to *stdout* (fd 1). The reason is somewhat historic because *stdout* is buffered by default while *stderr* is not (which caused some issues with *stdout* when used
interactively that did not occur with *stderr*).

Best Regads,

On 1/15/23 12:19 AM, wrote:

I'm still trying to resolve the failure of fpc using libapl to get it's stdout

trying to get libapl stdout to be gotten in my libapl/fpc program i read the

thinking fpc might be using a different stdout then the libapl does from this line 'but because the executable that is linked with has its own I/O channels.'

and re-compiled libapl with --with-android
and then compiling my program i get get :

/usr/local/lib/apl/ undefined reference to `CIN'
/usr/local/lib/apl/ undefined reference to `UERR'
/usr/local/lib/apl/ undefined reference to `COUT'
/usr/local/lib/apl/ undefined reference to `CERR'

is this suppose to happen ?

i get same error when compiling my libaplo.c program

how to set these in the c program?

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