Those variables are C++ variables, so the names are probably mangled. You can try to change the GNU APL code to declare them as extern "C".
Den sön 15 jan. 2023 07:19 <> skrev: > Hi > > I'm still trying to resolve the failure of fpc using libapl to get it's > stdout > > trying to get libapl stdout to be gotten in my libapl/fpc program i read > the > > > > thinking fpc might be using a different stdout then the libapl does from > this line > 'but because the executable that is linked with has its own I/O > channels.' > > and re-compiled libapl with --with-android > and then compiling my program i get get : > > /usr/local/lib/apl/ undefined reference to `CIN' > /usr/local/lib/apl/ undefined reference to `UERR' > /usr/local/lib/apl/ undefined reference to `COUT' > /usr/local/lib/apl/ undefined reference to `CERR' > > is this suppose to happen ? > > i get same error when compiling my libaplo.c program > > how to set these in the c program? > > >