Hi enztec,
not sure if this helps, but if I remember correctly (I may not) then the
main GNU APL output
goes to *stderr* (fd 2) and not to *stdout* (fd 1). The reason is
somewhat historic because *stdout* is
buffered by default while *stderr* is not (which caused some issues with
*stdout* when used
interactively that did not occur with *stderr*).
Best Regads,
On 1/15/23 12:19 AM, enz...@gmx.com wrote:
I'm still trying to resolve the failure of fpc using libapl to get it's stdout
trying to get libapl stdout to be gotten in my libapl/fpc program i read the
thinking fpc might be using a different stdout then the libapl does from this
'but because the executable that is linked with libapl.so) has its own I/O
and re-compiled libapl with --with-android
and then compiling my program i get get :
/usr/local/lib/apl/libapl.so: undefined reference to `CIN'
/usr/local/lib/apl/libapl.so: undefined reference to `UERR'
/usr/local/lib/apl/libapl.so: undefined reference to `COUT'
/usr/local/lib/apl/libapl.so: undefined reference to `CERR'
is this suppose to happen ?
i get same error when compiling my libaplo.c program
how to set these in the c program?