>> I think many users would be willing ...
>> a) … to trade higher privacy (using client side filtering) for not having
>> the „incoming transaction“ feature b) – if they want 0-conf – to fetch
>> all inved transactions
> You seem to misunderstand the usecase.
> If you send me a transaction, both of use are using our phones, then I need
> to be able to have immediate feedback on the transaction being broadcast on
> the network.
> This is not about zero-conf, this is simple seeing what is happening while
> it is happening.
> Additionally, when the transaction that is meant for my wallet is broadcast,
> I want my SPV wallet to parse and check the actual transaction.
> It is not just to see that *something* was actually send, but also to be
> able to see how much is being paid to me. Maybe If the transaction is marked
> as RBF-able, etc.
> Really basic usability: provide information to your users when you can,
> should they want to, and by default on.

I see this use case.
But I did receive bank wire transfers for the last decades without 
_immediately_ knowing that someone sent funds to me.
I personally would ALWAYS trade the higher bandwidth consumption (300MB mempool 
filtering) or slower notification time (maybe ~1h) for preserving privacy.
I agree, there are use cases where you want immediate notification, those use 
cases could probably be solved by not trowing away privacy („parsing“ all 
transactions and running in the background).


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