On 06/19/2017 05:49 PM, Jonas Schnelli via bitcoin-dev wrote:

>>> It's been debated if [filtering of] unconfirmed transactions are
>>> necessary,
>> Why would it not be needed? Any SPV client (when used as a payment-receiver)
>> requires this from a simple usability point of view.
> I think many users would be willing ...
> a) … to trade higher privacy (using client side filtering) for not having the 
> „incoming transaction“ feature
> b) – if they want 0-conf – to fetch all inved transactions

Another number: I'm answering dozens of support inquiries about
delayed/missing transactions per day. Over the 7 years of Bitcoin
Wallet's existence, I estimate about 50000 inquiries.

On the other hand, I remember only 1 (one) inquiry about the privacy
problems of BIP37 (or privacy at all).

From a regular user's point of view, privacy is non-issue. Sure,
everyone would take it for free, but certainly not if it a) delays
incoming payments or b) quickly eats up your traffic quota.

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