On Monday, 19 June 2017 17:49:59 CEST Jonas Schnelli wrote:
> Hi
> > On Monday, 19 June 2017 14:26:46 CEST bfd--- via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> >> It's been debated if [filtering of] unconfirmed transactions are
> >> necessary,
> > 
> > Why would it not be needed? Any SPV client (when used as a
> > payment-receiver) requires this from a simple usability point of view.
> I think many users would be willing ...
> a) … to trade higher privacy (using client side filtering) for not having
> the „incoming transaction“ feature b) – if they want 0-conf – to fetch
> all inved transactions

You seem to misunderstand the usecase.
If you send me a transaction, both of use are using our phones, then I need 
to be able to have immediate feedback on the transaction being broadcast on 
the network.
This is not about zero-conf, this is simple seeing what is happening while 
it is happening.

Additionally, when the transaction that is meant for my wallet is broadcast, 
I want my SPV wallet to parse and check the actual transaction.
It is not just to see that *something* was actually send, but also to be 
able to see how much is being paid to me. Maybe If the transaction is marked 
as RBF-able, etc.

Really basic usability: provide information to your users when you can, 
should they want to, and by default on.
Tom Zander
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