I hope for something (Pipe and RPKI in threads) very, very soon. For
now, it is the "sark" branch. And currently, on my local machne, I have
an unstable version running BGP in threads.
That said, there are still some cryptic bugs in multithreaded BGP to be
addressed. Also, several blog posts are waiting until I find some time
and determination to read them once again, finish them and push them for
There will be also probably a long pause in multithreaded development
after Pipe+RPKI+BGP to allow for stabilizing these and merging with the
2.0.x branch. There is also a long backlog of feature requests to be
implemented before other protocols get their own threads.
On 1/26/22 10:09 PM, Douglas Fischer wrote:
Hey Maria and everyone else.
Any updates on this multithreading mission?
Could we hope for something in this quarter?
Thanks in advance!
Em sex., 26 de nov. de 2021 às 14:19, Maria Matejka
<maria.mate...@nic.cz <mailto:maria.mate...@nic.cz>> escreveu:
If you are brave, you can try out the alderney branch. I suppose there
are still lots of bugs and inefficiencies, yet pipes, table maintenance
and rpki loading is multithreaded there.
That branch is still in internal testing and I do not recommend using
that branch in production at all. It has been quite a huge load of
including major rewrites of route propagation machinery.
Feel free to test the "alderney" branch and report any bugs. If you
manage to measure the time and memory consumption difference, you're
welcome to share that.
Thank you for asking, I hope we push this to a release as soon as
On 11/26/21 6:11 AM, Ross Tajvar wrote:
> Hi BIRD team,
> I have been periodically checking the cz.nic blog for more posts
in the
> "BIRD multithreading" saga, but the latest one was about 5.5
months ago
> Has any more progress been made on this? I understand the team is
> and I'm not trying to push, but I enjoy reading these posts and
> up with the work being done.
> Best,
> Ross
Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação