Off-topic: How I made up the branch names. Nothing to actual multithreading.
On 1/27/22 1:13 PM, Blažej Krajňák wrote:
st 26. 1. 2022 o 22:38 Douglas Fischer <fischerdoug...@gmail.com> napísal(a):
Another silly question:
Sark, Alderney... Islands? Why?
"The development is now being done mostly in the branch alderney. If
you asked why such strange branch names like jersey, guernsey and
alderney, here is a kind-of reason. Yes, these branches could be named
mq-async-export, mq-async-export-new, mq-async-export-new-new,
mq-another-async-export and so on. That’s so ugly, isn’t it? Let’s be
creative. Jersey is an island where a same-named knit was first
produced – and knits are made of threads. Then, you just look into a
map and find nearby islands."
To elaborate more on that, there are several people around me doing
sewing and other textile work. We communicate quite often as I'm the
person who does the geometry thing for them occasionally, and when I was
starting the multithreaded project, there was jersey fabric just
everywhere around.
The multithreading project is full of dead ends. There is an ugly lot of
corner cases where priority inversion happens and I went to several of
these dead ends where I found out that something has to be done _before_
the actual goal is attempted but the old branch was to be kept to rebase
and cherry-pick the _following_ work onto the new branch.
And here comes my love for geography and word play. When the Jersey
branch got to a dead end, I just picked Guernsey. Then I reached another
dead end on Guernsey ...
It should be noted that these branches got rebased a lot, even the
public branches are quite a mess. (You don't want to see my local
BTW, after the COVID thing gets less dangerous, hopefully, I'd like to
visit the Channel Islands for a short holiday ... and take a photo of
some birds there, of course. And the trains ... hey, there are railroads
there! Needa see them as well, no doubt.
(Well, you see, I'm a bit crazy.)