Another silly question:

Sark, Alderney... Islands? Why?

Em qua., 26 de jan. de 2022 às 18:09, Douglas Fischer <> escreveu:

> Hey Maria and everyone else.
> Any updates on this multithreading mission?
> Could we hope for something in this quarter?
> Thanks in advance!
> Em sex., 26 de nov. de 2021 às 14:19, Maria Matejka <>
> escreveu:
>> Hello!
>> If you are brave, you can try out the alderney branch. I suppose there
>> are still lots of bugs and inefficiencies, yet pipes, table maintenance
>> and rpki loading is multithreaded there.
>> That branch is still in internal testing and I do not recommend using
>> that branch in production at all. It has been quite a huge load of work,
>> including major rewrites of route propagation machinery.
>> Feel free to test the "alderney" branch and report any bugs. If you
>> manage to measure the time and memory consumption difference, you're
>> welcome to share that.
>> Thank you for asking, I hope we push this to a release as soon as
>> possible.
>> Maria
>> On 11/26/21 6:11 AM, Ross Tajvar wrote:
>> > Hi BIRD team,
>> >
>> > I have been periodically checking the cz.nic blog for more posts in the
>> > "BIRD multithreading" saga, but the latest one was about 5.5 months ago
>> > (
>> > <
>> > Has any more progress been made on this? I understand the team is busy
>> > and I'm not trying to push, but I enjoy reading these posts and keeping
>> > up with the work being done.
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Ross
> --
> Douglas Fernando Fischer
> Engº de Controle e Automação

Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação

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