First:  Thank you for your help Toke and Ondrej.

On 08/23/2018 04:42 AM, Ondrej Zajicek wrote:


You can do it that way, or you can have just two tables, one for main_rib+RIP and another for default_rib, connect them with pipe that allows export in the direction from default to main but not in the other one, and have export filter for kernel protocol attached to main_rib (254) configurured to accept everything EXCEPT the default route.

So I've done some more reading and thinking. I have come to the following conclusion:

· Bird (routing) tables (i.e. ipv4 table main_rib) are independent of kernel (routing) tables (254).
 · The RIP protocol only connects to one (bird) table.
· The kernel protocol (channel) connects one bird table with one kernel table through import and export filters. · The pipe protocol (channel) connect two bird tables through import and export filters.

I believe I had misconstrued the bird (routing) table as being an interface to the kernel (routing) table. As such treated it like a singular entity. Now I understand that the two are separate and distinct things.

All in all, I believe things are now working the way that I want them to.

Here's my bird.conf file. I'm curious if anyone has any comments or ProTips.

ipv4 table bird_main;
ipv4 table bird_default;

filter accept_default {
        if net = then accept;

filter reject_default {
        if net = then reject;

protocol device {

protocol direct {
        interface "*";

protocol kernel {
        ipv4 {
                table bird_main;
                export filter reject_default;
                import all;
        kernel table 254;

protocol kernel {
        ipv4 {
                table bird_default;
                export none;
                import filter accept_default;
        kernel table 253;

protocol rip {
        interface "eth0", "eth1", "eth2", "eth3" {
                version 2;
        ipv4 {
                export all;
                import all;
                table bird_main;

protocol pipe {
        table bird_main;
        peer table bird_default;
        export none;
        import filter accept_default;

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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