
I need a second set of eyes on the following config. I feel like I've made a mistake and I'm too tired to see it.

- main_rib is Linux kernel table #254 and has all locally attached interfaces. There is no default gateway in kernel table #254.
 - default_rib is Linux kernel table #253 and only has the default gateway.
- I have a series of ip rules that cascade across multiple Linux kernel tables, 254, others, and finally 253.

I want BIRD to:
 1 Advertise the following routes via RIP:
    - Locally attached
    - Default learned from default_rib (253)
 2 Learn routes from RIP and update main_rib (254)

Currently bird is not doing #2.

I'm not completely sure when I want to learn or not. I think "learn" is for BIRD to learn about the routes from the routing table. I don't know if I need to "learn" in the kernel protocol for table 254 or not. I thought the locally attached routes were picked up via the direct protocol.

BIRD is learning about the single default route in default_rib (253) and advertising it via RIP to other systems on the network.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

ipv4 table main_rib;
ipv4 table default_rib;

protocol device {

protocol kernel {
        ipv4 {
                export all;
                import all;
                table main_rib;
        kernel table 254;

protocol kernel {
        ipv4 {
                export none;
                import all;
                table default_rib;
        kernel table 253;

protocol direct {
        interface "*";

protocol rip {
        interface "eth0", "eth1", "eth2", "eth3" {
                version 2;
        ipv4 {
                export all;
                import all;
                table main_rib;
                table default_rib;

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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