On 08/21/2018 06:44 AM, Ondrej Zajicek wrote:


You are right that you should use the direct protocol, kernel 'device' routes are not learned anyway even with 'learn' option.

Thank you.

I'll do some more reading on what "learn" does (not) do in the kernel protocol context.

As Toke wrote, protocol (or more precisely channel) could be connected to one table. You should use a pipe to propagate routes between table and connect the RIP to one of the tables.

Thank you, both of you, for your answers.

It sounds like I will likely need to use a pipe to "leak" (is that the proper term?) the default route from kernel table 253 into RIP and filter the default out so that it doesn't get populated into kernel routing table 254.

Please stop me if that's not the track that I should be going down.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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