On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Steven Carr <sjc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 29 March 2013 14:57, Jim Bucks <jbu...@coloradostudios.com> wrote:
> > I just noticed (has been there all along), that the subdomain is not
> showing
> > up in the "automated" unable to line.
> >          I want it to add dhcp-172-10-20-101.dhcp.coloradostudios.com
> >   but it's trying to add dhcp-172-10-20-101.coloradostudios.com
> So by default (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) DHCPD will use the
> domain-name that you have configured in DHCP for the client (or will
> failback to the domain-name the client sends you if it doesn't exist).
> You can override this by specifying the following in the pool
> configuration:
>         ddns-domainname "dhcp.coloradostudios.com";
> Steve


Thanks you ALL for the hints & pointers!  It was good to get back into the
gory details of something "real".

Now, to get my other views & zones put back in to the named configuration.


Jim Bucks - IT Director
Colorado Studios <http://www.coloradostudios.com>, Mobile TV
HDNet <http://www.hd.net>, AXS.tv <http://www.axs.tv/>
8269 E. 23rd Ave. Denver, CO 80238 Main  303-388-8500
jbu...@coloradostudios.com            Direct 303-542-5520
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