On Mar 18, 2013, at 23.04, Gerry Reno <gr...@verizon.net> wrote:

> On 03/18/2013 10:25 PM, b...@bitrate.net wrote:
>> On Mar 18, 2013, at 20.27, Gerry Reno <gr...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> Using BIND 9.8.2
>>> When you setup Samba 4 AD DC using BIND9_DLZ and your domain has external 
>>> servers (eg: www,mail) at external providers
>>> this means that the ISP and the internal network nameservers will both have 
>>> SOA record for the domain.
>> it's not really anything particularly related to samba or dlz.  it's just 
>> two different computers serving the same zone.  you're just "hijacking" or 
>> overloading that particular label.  in addition to declaring the zone in 
>> your config, you'll need to delegate that new zone from the parent.
>> it's worth noting that this scales poorly.  having to add delegations and 
>> zone declarations for every label for which this is desired becomes quickly 
>> prohibitive.  instead, i'd suggest using a subdomain for samba - e.g. 
>> something like ad.example.com.  there are a number of other solutions as 
>> well which would likely be more sensible than hijacking labels.
>> -ben
> If it was more than just a few labels I would do it another way.
> But this will suffice, if I can only get bind to actually get the forward 
> zone working.
> I don't need any delegation.  I'm not looking to slave the zone.

as i said, you'll need to delegate that new zone from the parent.  i'm not sure 
what slaves zones would have to do with that.

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