micho...@cisco.com wrote on 01/03/2012 04:54:51 PM:

> Maybe it's because I started in networking...  But TCP/IP (or IPv6 these
> days) is quite the "subsystem" to avoid.  Really, like it or not, you 
> actually responsible for understanding interactions with "subsystems" 
> managed system must interact with.  ;-)

Yes, unfortunately we sometimes have to rely on systems and sub-systems 
maintained by others.  But in order to stick to the Principles of Least 
Astonishment, it is easier to rely on those systems under our own control. 
 Otherwise someone else will astonish us with their "brilliance". 

I manage the DNS and the spam filters here.  Without warning (I know a 
separate issue), the network was changed causing problems between the spam 
filters and the DNS servers.  Took me 2 days to figure out what was casing 
email to fail.

I cannot chose what network to use.  I can choose what resolver to use.  

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