On 1/2/2012 2:16 PM, Barry Margolin wrote:
In article<mailman.654.1325531095.68562.bind-us...@lists.isc.org>,
  Kevin Darcy<k...@chrysler.com>  wrote:

I agree with Matus. BIND should be as self-sufficient as possible, and
not make any assumptions about the capability of and/or the data it
expects to get from the system resolver
If the system resolver is good enough for every other application
running on the system, it should be good enough for BIND.
See, there's the problem right there. Many of us see the BIND instance as forming part of an *infrastructure*, not just an *application* that happens to run on the machine. This distinction isn't just semantic. We have, for instance, totally separate groups who manage the OS'es of our servers (including the configuration of the system resolver), versus those of us in the Networking area who have responsibility for the DNS infrastructure itself.

Those server folks have strange ideas about name resolution. Strange enough that sometimes I don't even understand what the hell they are trying to accomplish. Or, they do know, but I think they indulge the end-users way too much (don't even get me started on shortname resolution, for instance, and the ugly hacks we're forced to maintain, supporting that bad habit).

So no, the system resolver is not "good enough for BIND". Not in my book. I'm responsible for BIND, I'm not going to stick my neck out making my subsystem dependent on someone's else's subsystem, when I have no confidence that they know what they're doing and/or that they're doing the right things.

Nor do I think it is particularly unusual for the Networking and Server responsibilities within an organization to belong to different groups, with different skillsets and competency levels. BIND is good at resolving names to addresses, so let it do the name resolution, without creating unnecessary dependencies which may cross organizational and possibly even trust boundaries. I've already outlined in my previous message some possible ways to obviate these "internal" queries, along with the suggestion that maybe at the end of the day it's actually more trouble than it's worth...

- Kevin

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