On Fri, 2006-28-04 at 14:45 -0400, Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:
> Both Storable and Data::Dumper are part of the standard Perl install.
> You should already have them on your machine. To check if a module is
> already loaded:
>   perl -M<module> -e ""
> Replace <module> with the module full name, e.g: perl -MStorable -e ""
> If the module is not loaded, you will get an error message.

The documentation for any module can be read with perldoc. E.g:

  perldoc Storable
  perldoc Data::Dumper

See `perldoc perldoc` and perldoc perl` for details.

You may want to add this to all your CGIs, at least for development:

  use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';

This will send any fatal error message to browser. This saves you the
trouble of looking thru your web server's error log to find out why your
program isn't working. See `perldoc CGI::Carp` for details.


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them."

* Perl tutorials at http://perlmonks.org/?node=Tutorials
* A searchable perldoc is at http://perldoc.perl.org/

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