On 4/28/06, Sean Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/27/06 10:19 PM, "Mary Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > Hi, > I have a cgi program that pulls data out of a database and stores it in > an array ref. I would like to display this data one row at a time. > Unfortunately I am having difficulty getting the current index to persist > from one page to another. I could do this with a hidden field. But I also > have difficulty getting the array ref to persist once the submit button is > pushed.
Variables in CGI cannot be maintained between pages. You have to redo your database query for every page (or cache it on disk somewhere--but that is going to be more complicate) and you are right about needing to use a hidden field (or a cookie) to pass your index between pages.
There's no reason you can't keep the db return as part of saving state. Just use Data::Dumper or similar, pass it as a hidden value, and then read it in on the next page. As long as you're using POST and not GET, you pass pretty much anything back and forth. Of course it may make more sense to store the value on the server, although it means keeping track of which data goes with which client. Storable should work for that. You'll have to decide at what point keeping lots of files around makes more sense than passing the result set back and forth on every submit. Or you could use Dumper to store the cached queries keyed by a unique id for each session in BDB or something. then just pass the session id as a hidden field. There are lots of options here. If your goal here is just to allow scrolling and you're not doing anything else with the form, though, it may be time to think about some AJAX methods and shift state to the client. HTH, -- jay -------------------------------------------------- This email and attachment(s): [ ] blogable; [ x ] ask first; [ ] private and confidential daggerquill [at] gmail [dot] com http://www.tuaw.com http://www.dpguru.com http://www.engatiki.org values of β will give rise to dom!