On 4/28/06, Mary Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hu Jay,
    Thanks for the reply.  There is a lot I don't know to chew on.
Could you just clue me in on a few things:

    DATA::Dumper must be a perl module on CPAN?
    POST and GET are elementary CGI commands that I had better learn fast
if I want to do more work in this area.

   Is Storable part of the DATA module?

   What is BDB?


It's actually Data::Dumper, and yes, it's a cpan module. It turns Perl
data structures into a format that can be evaled to recreate the
original structure. Storable is another cpan module--no, it's not part
of Data::Dumper--that is designed specificaly to save complex Perl
data structures to disk, and read them back in later.

POST and GET aren't CGI...at least not exactly. They're part of the
HTML spec, and deal with what happens when you click the submit button
on an HTML form. GET appends the form elements to the url, POST embeds
them in the body of the transmission. Sorting them out is the job of
the server, not the CGI program; CGI.pm could care less. Values of GET
and POST requests are accessed by your CGI program in exactly the same
way: $q->param{'param'}. If you're new to this, you should pick up a
book on HTML, and maybe a copy of CGI Programming with Perl.

BDB is Berkely Database. Most operating systems implement it, or
something derrived from it (GBD, NDBM). I really should have said DBM,
which is the generic term. Perl can natively use DBM databases, see
perldoc -f dbmopen, and the perldoc for the AnyDBM_File module, wich
is part of the Perl core.


-- jay
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