Shalabh wrote: > hi all, Hi. Use a better subject line.
> i am searching from a tab delimited text file and it is > returning the line with tabs which contains the search string into an > array named @found_array, now i want to display it on an html page in > a predefined format and for that i have to split it with tab as the > delimiting character. any idea for doing this as i have tried split > function but i think it doesnt work on arrays. any help is > appreciated. Thanks in advance the code is as follows > #!/usr/bin/perl -w Always 'use strict;' > use CGI; > use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser); > $query = new CGI; > print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"; > print $query->start_html(-title=> "new", > -bgcolor=>'#DFD2B3', > ); > $keyword=$query->param('s1'); > chomp($keyword); Why? > $keyword =~ s/([~;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"\.\/])//g; Don't need the capturing parens. Also, lots of those chars don't need to be escaped inside a character class. > open (IN, "< pdata") or die ("Cannot open database!"); > @found_array = (); > while ($parray=<IN>) > { > @found_array = (@found_array,grep (/$keyword/i , $parray)); grep is unecessary here, since you're only operating on one line at a time. This can be simplified to: push @found_array, $parray if $parray =~ /$keyword/oi; (/o can be added since keyword doesn't change once it's been assigned) > } > print "<font size=4 color=blue><b>You Queried for $keyword</b></font>\n"; > print @found_array; If you want to output the @found_array as an HTML table, you can do something like this: print $query->table( $query->Tr([ map $query->td([split /\t/]), @found_array ]), ); -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> <>