yes that will also keep you away for the various assumptions very one would
be makeing, and you get a correct answer early.
with regards
Rajeev Rumale
Rajeev Rumale
MyAngel.Net Pte Ltd., Phone :
(65)8831530 (office)
#04-01, 180 B, The Bencoolen, Email :
Bencoolen Street, Singapore - 189648 ICQ : 121001541
Website :
----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: newbie question
> You should always include the code that is giving you the problem when you
> ask a question. It makes it a lot easier for us to help you. Could you
> send your code?
> At 02:24 06.07.2001 -0700, nila devaraj wrote:
> >Hi
> >i have a webserver that has been configured for CGI
> >scripting. i placed the HTML file in the required
> >directory and the cgi program in the wincgi directory
> >of the webserver. The problem i am facing is- if i
> >submit my form i am getting the download/save dialog
> >box.If i say open it is opening a word document
> >containg the codes in the program.... i am new to CGi
> >programming and i am unable to figure out the problem.
> >it would be appreciated if i get some input in this
> >regard...
> >
> >regards
> >Nila
> >
> >
> >
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> Aaron Craig
> Programming