Ron, I think you meant to send this to the list, too :)

I don't know ksh, so I am terribly familiar with what's going on there, but it doesn't 
terribly difficult.

I still don't know if you need anything returned to the user.  If you don't and these 
don't take long to run, you could use the multiple argument form of system.

    system( $program, $client, $stagger, $start );

If you need the return data, you could use backticks.  You state that you verify the 
input, I
would just caution you that this is *very* dangerous.

I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but you're heading into administrative 
territory and
that's not my strong suit.  Someone else on the list is probably better prepared to 
answer this.


--- "Yacketta, Ronald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 18:18:54 -0500
> From: "Yacketta, Ronald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Passing variables
> I am collecting information from the enduser (tester) to run a System Load
> test. The user will enter the # of clients to run, the client # to start at,
> the stagger time, sleep time, Engine server and the Diag script sleep time.
> The info inputted will be verified and one of 4 scripts will be called. 
> all_fastatart
> all_sleepystart
> mixed_faststart
> mixed_sleepystart
> The all scripts have a single test within it that requires the # clients,
> client start number, stagger time and sleep time. The mixed script has 7
> tests that require the same info as the all, BUT each test will have its own
> set of client #, client start # , stagger time and sleep time.
> here is an example of the old .ksh I am converting
> #!/usr/bin/ksh
> if [ $# != 2 ]
> then
>    echo "You must supply a run # and Engine hostname on the command line...
> "
>    echo
>    echo "i.e.   $0 1 wb0300ux137"
>    echo "Valid Engine servers are:"
>    echo "4500 NodeB (wb0300ux137)"
>    echo "3500 NodeB (mc0300ux219)"
>    echo
>    exit 255
> fi
> RunNumber=$1
> ENGHost=$2
> set -x
> cd /apps/VQXengine/trg/ltt/scripts
> $1 60
> sleep 120
> cd ../beta_scripts
> nohup run_ACF2_VQ $ENGHost all_VALUTEST_wValidate_D40.scr 1500 1 120 1 2>&1
> &
> sleep 15
> nohup run_ACF2_VQ $ENGHost PActive_0299.scr 25 1501 200 175 2>&1 &
> sleep 15
> nohup run_ACF2_VQ $ENGHost PActive_0005.scr 55 1526 200 80 2>&1 &
> sleep 10
> nohup run_ACF2_VQ $ENGHost IMP1_1_143.scr 25 1581 175 160 2>&1 &
> sleep 10
> nohup run_ACF2_VQ $ENGHost IMP1_5.scr 25 1606 45 150 2>&1 &
> sleep 10
> nohup run_ACF2_VQ $ENGHost IMP1_14.scr 40 1631 75 150 2>&1 &
> sleep 6
> nohup run_ACF2_VQ $ENGHost Valid01Unit_wTradeIn.scr 35 1671 250 100 2>&1 &
> set +x
> in line above (run_ACF2_VQ $ENGHost all_VALUTEST_wValidate_D40.scr 1500 1
> 120 1)
> $ENGHOST needs to be supplied by the tester, as well as the 4 numeric values
> after
> the test (all_VALUTEST_wValidate_D40.scr)
> these values are not static, they change from test to test...
> -Ron

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
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