Ok I have tried all of your suggestions and I'm closer to making it work
however there a couple things it's doing that I have been told should be
working right and it isn't.

>From this code on a web page that is calling up this script the person
should be able to pick either a select color or enter a hex color code:

<blockquote><b>Text Color:<SELECT name="textcolor">
<OPTION selected value="custom">Custom
<OPTION value="Aqua">Aqua
<OPTION value="Black">Black
<OPTION value="Blue">Blue
<OPTION value="Fuchsia">Fuchsia
<OPTION value="Gray">Gray
<OPTION value="Green">Green
<OPTION value="Lime">Lime
<OPTION value="Maroon">Maroon
<OPTION value="Navy">Navy
<OPTION value="Olive">Olive
<OPTION value="Purple">Purple
<OPTION value="Red">Red
<OPTION value="Silver">Silver
<OPTION value="Teal">Teal
<OPTION value="White">White
<OPTION value="Yellow">Yellow
Or put in the code of a custom color here:
<input name="txtcustom" type="text">

To my belief the script is looking at what the input was and should be
putting the text color as a preset color or a custom color. It's not,
instead the script is getting stuck in a loop and giving me a random color.
I cannot find out the random color because with the script stuck in the
loop I cannot view the html code it is returning.


use CGI qw/:standard/;
$title = param('title');
$bgcolor = param('bgcolor');
$textcolor = param('textcolor');
$alinkcolor = param('alinkcolor');
$linkcolor = param('linkcolor'); 
$vlinkcolor = param('vlinkcolor');
$bgcustom = param('bgcustom');
$txtcustom = param('txtcustom');
$alcustom = param('alcustom');
$lcustom = param('lcustom');
$vlcustom = param('vlcustom'); 
$fpad = param('fpad');

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

    print "<html>\n";
    print "<head>\n";
    print "<title>$title</title>\n";
    print "</head>\n";
    print "<body bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"";

if($textcolor eq "custom")
    print " text=\"/#$textcolor\"";
    print " link=\"$linkcolor\"";
    print " alink=\"$alinkcolor\"";
    print " vlink=\"$vlinkcolor\">\n";

    print "<center><h1>";
    print "\"$title\"";
    print "</h1></center>\n";
    print "<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n";
    print "<center>\n";
    print "<table width=\"500\" align=\"top\">\n";
    print "<tr><td align=\"top\" width=\"100%\">\n";
    print "<p>$fpad</p>\n";
    print "</td></tr></table>\n";
    print "</center>\n";
    print "<br>\n";
    print "<center><b>Site Created by <a ";
    print "href='http://www.mydomain.com'>mydomain.com</a>";
    print "</b></center>\n";
    print "<br>\n";
    print "</body>\n</html>\n";

Earlier today I thought this was going to be easier than what it turned out
to be. I do thank all the suggestions I have recieved so far. and I hope
I'm not asking to much to find out why this is sticking in a loop and not
returning what I thought it would.


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