Please ignore.  Sent to wrong list and this is my apology :)

--- Curtis Poe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ron, I think you meant to send this to the list, too :)
> I don't know ksh, so I am terribly familiar with what's going on there, but it 
>doesn't look
> terribly difficult.
> I still don't know if you need anything returned to the user.  If you don't and 
>these programs
> don't take long to run, you could use the multiple argument form of system.
>     system( $program, $client, $stagger, $start );
> If you need the return data, you could use backticks.  You state that you verify the 
>input, I
> would just caution you that this is *very* dangerous.
> I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but you're heading into administrative 
>territory and
> that's not my strong suit.  Someone else on the list is probably better prepared to 
>answer this.
> Cheers,
> Curtis

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