> -----Original Message-----
> From: Helen Dickey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 7:11 AM
> Subject: RE: e-mailing HTML form results
> I finished correcting the errors which gave software and comp. error
> messages.
> Now I get the pretty page back on my web browser, but it does not send
> E-mail to me.
> The two lines that I think might have the problem are:
> $smtp = Net::SMTP->new("summitrelocation.com");
The server you connect to needs to be the name of the email server. It will
most likely NOT be just summitrelocation.com. It should something like
mail.summitrelocation.com, or smtp.summitrelocatio.com. You need to check
with her, or her hosting provider for the details.
> $smtp->to("helend\@his.com");
> (I am writing a response form for my friend Kathy who started the
> business Summit Relocation and I write her web pages---my first try at
> being a webmaster---and she wants the pretty page we get back on the web
> browser to be e-mailed to her (eventually to her---I am having it
> e-mailed to me while I test)
> Please help.
> --
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