If you are going to use the 'datasend' and 'dataend' subroutines then you
must change your to do the following:


One thing to note.  When you start sending data, it is best to send a
Subject line that ends with two "\n".  This tells the email program what the
subject is, and it also tells the email program where the body of the
message starts.  If you don't want to print subject line then at least print
two "\n" characters.

$smtp->datasend("Subject: Subject line here\n\n");



I my experience with this module, if you don't do this, then the email will
be unreadable by the recipient.

Brad Handy


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Helen Dickey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 6:21 AM
> Subject: Re: e-mailing HTML form results
> Dear Floptop or Bradley or whoever,
> Thank you for your help so far. I have several lines to datasend.
> Do I have to put them all in a string
>  $smtp->datasend("\n");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever1whatever2whatever3\n");
>  $smtp->dataend();
>  $smtp->quit;
> Or may I
>  $smtp->datasend("\n");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever1\n");
>   $smtp->datasend("whatever2\n");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever3\n");
> $smtp->dataend();
>  $smtp->quit;
> Or is there supposed to be only one \n
> $smtp->datasend("\n");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever1");
>   $smtp->datasend("whatever2");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever3\n");
> $smtp->dataend();
>  $smtp->quit;
> --
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