Helen Dickey wrote:
> Dear Floptop or Bradley or whoever,
> Thank you for your help so far. I have several lines to datasend.
> Do I have to put them all in a string
>  $smtp->datasend("\n");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever1whatever2whatever3\n");
>  $smtp->dataend();
>  $smtp->quit;
> Or may I
>  $smtp->datasend("\n");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever1\n");
>   $smtp->datasend("whatever2\n");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever3\n");
> $smtp->dataend();
>  $smtp->quit;
> Or is there supposed to be only one \n
> $smtp->datasend("\n");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever1");
>   $smtp->datasend("whatever2");
>  $smtp->datasend("whatever3\n");
> $smtp->dataend();
>  $smtp->quit;

why don't you do it like this:

my $data = qq{whatever1\nwhatever2\nwhatever3\n};

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