Minutes of Meeting #1646
Monday, March 21, 2022

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order somewhere around 8 pm
14 varied beings, many of them civil, attended

The minutes of meeting 1645 were accepted as 'waiting for Barbara'

the proxy Treasurer report is that we have money =
Regular: $15,748.81;    Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report, except that he is vamping

the President had nothing fannish to report, but thanked his capable vice &
admitted that he has a 5G anchor attached to him now, since 3G flip-phones
have been phased out

Committees:  Rinse & repeating from the Sports Committee
    SJGiants Saturday, July 30 Marvel's Defenders of the Diamond Night
(evening game, 6pm) It’ll be the same Party Patio (along the first base
line), $70/person. Buffet meal, 2 drinks tickets, unlimited water soda and
snax. Send inquiries or PayPal ba...@p4tt.com = & 8 people so far


Howeird announced that after his more than a month hospital stay he has
been fired by all of his medical helpers & is shambling on without needing
them, declared as being recovered

Yochanan announced that there is a March 26 LA Comics and Toys Con via pop
shop live - check =
& he announced that there will be an Apr 9-10 Comic gathering at Concord
High School

Lisa announced that Consanance is happening next weekend & encourages
everyone to come - masked & vax'd
Consanance will be the last weekend in March, March 25-27 - at the Sonesta,
which used to be the Crown Plaza;  for more info check =

Ken announced that March 25 is the 102 birthday of the late Patrick
Troughton & there is a Legion of Rasselon club meeting this Friday -
starting at 7:30pm & be prompt because they will show 5 episodes at the
on Bascom in Milpitas on Abbott Rd, near the 880 freeway, starting 7:30pm -
wear a mask - for more info check their Facebook page & Yochanan urged

Craig announced that NorWesCon is Easter weekend & they are offering free
virtual memberships, albeit hoping for a donation & should be doing three
programming tracks - check = https://www.norwescon.org
& he announced that BayCon had its first staffing meeting & BayCon will not
have a virtual presence & this  may be a make or break con for them
Rick followed-on, saying that he & his wife have bought full attending
memberships to support BayCon, even though they will be unable to attend


Rick reviewed 'For All Mankind' on Apple TV as it's a winner & very
successful in conjuring up the era.  Ronald D. Moore has made an
alt-history series, with the premise that "The 1960s space race never
ended".  There are 2 seasons & it's renewed for a third.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_All_Mankind_(TV_series) - and is

Yochanan reviewed a black comedy horror-thriller movie streaming on Hulu,
'Fresh', as it's very psychologically violent & unusual film.  He
recommends it, albeit with some reservations
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresh_(2022_film); Gerry commented that the
set-up reminds him of Niven's 'The Patchwork Girl'
& he also reviewed 'Turning Red' by Pixar as it's streaming on Disney Plus
& is a wonderful film & really sweet & highly recommends it
& he also reviewed attending several Purims on last Wednesday & on Sunday
in-person as 'they lost, we won, let's eat & visit with friends' - and
there was some discussion about the foods

Howeird reviewed a book initially so that we don't have to 'The 28th Gate',
by Christopher C Dimond who devised a gun nut's paradise run by
mega-corporations.   Dimond invented many, many different sorts of major
sorts of armaments that he describes in loving detail & uses a LOT of
self-made jargon - but he is a really good writer, despite all of this - &
the author now has 8 of these books out now.  Check =

Lisa reviewed another Festival of the Living Rooms, filkers meeting over
Zoom - held on Denver time with wonderful people & great songs - check on
Facebook = Festival of the Living Rooms & she recommends them

we adjourned at 8:44 pm

and the rumor of the week was = 'Cats are automatically full members of

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