Minutes of Meeting #1647
Monday, March 28, 2022

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order somewhere around 8 pm
16 varied beings attended

The minutes of meeting 1646 were accepted as 'No regime change, just bills'

the proxy Treasurer report is that we have money =
Regular: $15,748.81;    Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report

Committees:  Rinse & repeating from the Sports Committee
    SJGiants Saturday, July 30 Marvel's Defenders of the Diamond Night
(evening game, 6pm) It’ll be the same Party Patio (along the first base
line), $70/person. Buffet meal, 2 drinks tickets, unlimited water soda and
snax. Send inquiries or PayPal ba...@p4tt.com = & 8 people so far


Yochanan announced that 2 people had birthdays last week - William Shatner
& Tig Notaro -
then he announced that there is a Lodi Comic Con on May 8th, 11am till 5pm
on the Festival grounds - for more information check =

Howeird announced that it has just started raining in Las Vegas as of 8pm,
which is better than wind and blowing dust & he announced that he just
bought a Pixel 6

Lynn announced that Guests of Honor have just been announced for Consonance
23 in 2023; check Consanance.org for more details

Robin had a very late announcement that a virtual Filk Ontario is next
week, April 1-3; check http://filkontario.ca/ for more details


Howeird reviewed 'Picard' on Amazon Prime as a little darker than he
expected.  It's okay & he is still puzzled - wondering what it is trying to
accomplish, then he commented that 'Resident Alien' missed an episode, so
he can't review it;
     and then he asked that since all the technical Oscars went to 'Dune',
why they received them since the movie clips he saw did not look that
exceptional & there was some discussion

Lisa reviewed Consanance as a very pleasant convention was had by all.  It
was really nice, wonderful fun.  She got very little sleep & thoroughly
enjoyed herself & is really looking forward to 2023; Rick followed, saying
it was a convention of much awesomeness; Lynn commented that they had a
good turn-out & had a good time
Trey commented that it sounded like the convention struck the right note
[there were groans]

Yochanan reviewed a Netflix movie called 'The Adam Project', a time travel
movie - ans it seemed to have spent all their budget on the cast and not on
the story.  He rated it as enjoyable, even if it had a lot of plot holes &
recommends it if you like time travel movies - check =
     and then he reviewed a book called 'Roma Eterna' by Robert Silverberg,
an alternate history about the Roman Empire never falling as very
engrossing and interesting, highly recommended.  Rick commented there is a
similar idea Turtledove did called 'Agent of Byzantium', where the
Byzantine Empire never fell that was also enjoyable

Rick reviewed the season 2 closer 'For All Mankind' as all the plot-lines
came together, mainly in space, and there were good performances from all
the actors & it has been renewed for season 3
check = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_All_Mankind_(TV_series) - on
Apple TV

Ken reviewed a new TV show that takes a lot of inspiration from Eurovision
- 'The American Song Contest' - as he recommends it if you like Eurovision;
     and then reviewed the Oscars as that many of the changes seemed to
work & he liked the 'In Memorium' as a celebration of life and not a misery
fest.  It was a definite improvement over last year.  Howeird agreed in
general that it was one of the better Oscar shows in recent years - but has
a quibble about TV shows being given the same treatment as 'actual movies'
& Craig commented that since one can pay to download the content that it is
similar to going to a theatre - then there was more discussion

we adjourned at 8:37 pm

and the rumor of the week was = 'Beware the calends of April'

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