Quoting Jonathan Del Arroz (jdelar...@gmail.com):

> Would love to but definitely not at the expense of getting an
> experimental injection. I’ll just host a party for the unvaccinated
> instead since studies are showing we spread the new variants less
> anyway mine should be safer! Feel free to join. 

Jon, despite the unfortunate science errors in your thoughtful
invitation, I do appreciate it, but have a few simple questions that
are still bothering me.

1.  When and where will your party for the unvaccinated be, then?

2.  Can you explain why you would specifically invite a vaccinated
    SF fan (me), given your premise that avoiding the vaccine is 
    safer, and your desire to gather only the unvaccinated?

3.  By what method will you be verifing unvaccinated status of 
    arriving guests (other than me)?

Looking forward to those answers, with utmost anticipation -- but also
with well-trained adaptive immune system B cells, about which you can
read here:

Cheers,              The Astley Paradox:  If you ask Rick Astley for his copy
Rick Moen            of the movie "Up", he cannot give it to you, as he will
r...@linuxmafia.com  never give you up.  However, in doing so, he lets you down.
McQ! (4x80)
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