…then Rick drops the mic :-)

> On Aug 12, 2021, at 4:18 PM, basfa-requ...@lists.basfa.org wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: BBQ party for the vaccinated, West Menlo, Saturday, Aug.
>      14, 4pm-12m (Rick Moen)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 03:05:31 -0700
> From: Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com>
> To: basfa@lists.basfa.org
> Subject: Re: [Basfa] BBQ party for the vaccinated, West Menlo,
>    Saturday, Aug. 14, 4pm-12m
> Message-ID: <20210812100531.gb19...@linuxmafia.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Quoting Jonathan Del Arroz (jdelar...@gmail.com):
>> I?ll just host a party for the unvaccinated instead, since studies are
>> showing we spread the new variants less, anyway.  Mine should be safer!
> Nope.  Your knowledge of epidemiology needs repair, Jon, as you've
> been misinformed.
> There _aren't_ "studies" showing that unvaxed spread Delta and
> successors less.  That is wrong twice over:  Unvaxed are massively more
> likely to get infected at all, and also massively more likely to remain
> infectious for longer periods, lengthening potential exposure.
> What actually came out wasn't a study, but rather a brief item in the
> Aug. 6 edition of CDC's _CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report_
> (MMWR) covering a Delta outbreak at Provincetown, tip of Cape Cod, after
> Independence Day.  Social media glommed onto _one_ figure: among 469
> PCR-confirmed COVID-19 infections found among seaside party-goers, 346
> (74%) occurred in vaccinated persons.  Also, breakthrough (vaxed) infectees
> during their period of infectiousness carried about the same viral load
> as did the unvaxed infectees (the same "cycle threshold" aka Ct, during
> operational cycles of the machine that does PCR testing to detect and
> duplicate viral genetic material).  So, whoa!  Being vaxed means you
> spread Delta _more_, right?
> Nope.  This falls haplessly into Base Rate Fallacy, where you flub
> estimating probability by ignoring context.
> To understand that, imagine a slightly inattentive researcher studying
> alcoholism in Dad's hometown of Kristiansund, population ~25,000.
> Say (not real numbers here, but credible ones) results note that out of
> 550 identified alcoholics, 542, were blond.  Whoa, says he!  If you're
> blond and resident of Kristiansund, you've 97% chance of alcoholism.  
> We must search for genetic links.
> Does this researcher get a Nobel?  Nope, he gets indulgent chuckles,
> as he forgot Kristiansund (north of Bergen) has wall-to-wall blonds,
> about as many blonds as herrings.  Call that, in round figures, 22,000. 
> So, more like a 542 / 22000 * 100 = 2% chance, not 97%.
> Getting back to Provincetown:  That 74% is just wildly devoid of base
> rate context, in that the study of the outbreak made no estimate of how
> many persons got exposed, nor even what percentage of those present
> in total were vaxxed.  The 469 infectees were essentially self-reported
> people, concerned enough to get PCR-tested.  Nobody got told "We need to
> test you if you were in any Provincetown bar between July 10th and 18th":
> Thus, there's an automatic "detection bias".  Second, as vaxed
> population has increased, especially among people like Cape Cod
> holidayers, you get the Kristiansund-blonds problem:  Vaxed persons
> necessarily will then constitute a rising portion of cases.
> For all of the above reasons plus others I don't even get into, _MMWR_ 
> warned the info was "insufficient to draw conclusions about the
> effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2".  But social
> media ignored that, and stumbled straight into the Base Rate Fallacy
> trap.  https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cdc-provincetown-covid-event/
> https://www.snopes.com/ap/2021/07/30/study-vaccinated-people-can-carry-as-much-virus-as-others/
> As a statistics guy and a Bayesian, that kind of thing makes me sad.
> Also, with Delta as with prior variants, vaxed infectees clear virus faster.
> https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/variants/delta-variant.html
> https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/08/09/1031292/questions-delta-variant-contagious-tranmission-vaccination/
> -- 
> Cheers,            "Orthodoxy is my doxy.  Heterodoxy is someone else's doxy."
> Rick Moen               -- William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester (1698-1779)
> r...@linuxmafia.com
> McQ!  (4x80)
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> End of Basfa Digest, Vol 173, Issue 4
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