Would love to but definitely not at the expense of getting an experimental 
injection. I’ll just host a party for the unvaccinated instead since studies 
are showing we spread the new variants less anyway mine should be safer! Feel 
free to join. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 11, 2021, at 2:08 AM, Rick Moen via Basfa <basfa@lists.basfa.org> 
> wrote:
> This is my recurring 2nd Saturday outdoor event that's in theory a Linux
> user group but mostly friends enjoying being together and my cooking 
> for the crowd.  (Some guests also bring food but it's not required or
> expected.)  Please feel welcome to join us if fully vaccinated.
> I think I'll do homemade apple pies.
> ----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> -----
> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2021 23:11:08 -0700
> From: Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com>
> To: consp...@linuxmafia.com
> Subject: CABAL (in-person + Jitsi Meet), Sat. Aug. 14, 4pm - 12m
> We're on again for CABAL in Family Moen's nice and very spacious backyard
> with home cooking -- despite the Delta variant -- and the only new change
> is, re: vaccination proof, have altered "Assume I may check" to 
> "I will check."
> And I will check.
> For August, I'm doing a perennial favourite:  homemade from scratch 
> pizza.  Also traditional garlic bread with homemade sourdough, and we'll
> see what else.  Good things.
> Rick & Deirdre's house
> 1105 Altschul Ave. @ Gordon Ave.
> W. Menlo Park
> (lost?  call me: 650-283-7902)
> You must:
> o  Be COVID-19 vaccinated, plus enough time for ramped-up immunity.
> o  Feel safe to be here, in company.
> o  Attend at your own risk.
> Bring your CDC card:  I will check.
> _or_ attend online, on Jitsi Meet:  
> http://meet.jit.si/CABAL
> To attend remotely, you'll need:
> o  Computer w/supported Web browser.  Jitsi Meet's supported list is at
>   https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/user-guide/supported-browsers
>   mic w/ speakers/headphones.  Headphones/earbuds
>   are recommended because they avert audio feeback loops.
> o  or a specialised Jitsi Meet client program:
>   o Jitsi Meet Client (28MB APK) for Android 5.0+, via F-Droid:
>     https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.jitsi.meet/
>   o Jitsi Meet Client for Android, via Google Play Store
>     https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.jitsi.meet
>   o Jitsi Meet Client for iOS, via Apple iTunes Store
>     https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jitsi-meet/id1165103905
>   o Jitsi Meet Electron desktop client (86MB binary: Linux x86_64, MacOS,
>     MS-Windows), https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron/releases
>     (Recommendation for headphones/earbuds still applies.)
> Yes, we do follow pandemic news.  A recent tool that should be of
> interest:  microCOVID Project, https://www.microcovid.org/ 
> One microCOVID is a bespoke unit denoting one-in-a-million chance of
> getting COVID-19 (meaning, infection, which does not necessarily mean
> being ill).  The tool permits, using data for one's county, calculating
> the incremental risk for particular sorts of activity -- and also uses
> the concept of "risk budget", the cumulative level of COVID risk each
> person decides is acceptable to run in life.  You tell it the sort of
> scenario, e.g., for CABAL, I tried:
> Scenario:  Outdoor hangout with multiple people
> My vax:  Double dose Moderna
> Nearby people usually within 5 metres:  6
> How close are those nearby people, on average:  normal socialising
> Duration:  180 mins
> Other people vaxed?  Yes
> Their risk profile:  Has 1 close contact whose risk profile I don't know.
> Environment: outdoor
> Masks:  none
> Talking volume: normal
> Result:  moderate risk, 20% of my weekly risk budget (assuming I have a
> standard caution budget permitting 1% chance of COVID illness per year,
> working out to 200 microCOVIDs per week.  Risk for this events:  ~40
> microCOVIDs.
> And, speaking for my family, we're totally fine with that.
> I think the tool's a brilliant way to get your mind straight.  It shows
> you the math, the assumptions, and the data modeling.
> ----- End forwarded message -----
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