Quoting Dire Red (deir...@deirdre.net):

> And here I thought at least one of you would remember the work I did
> last year on fanwriting exposing the Marion Zimmer Bradley story.

Kevin --

I do wish to nominate Deirdre Saoirse Moen for inclusion on the
http://hugo-recommend.livejournal.com/155729.html Best Fan Writer list.
(Yes, I'm extremely biased and she's my spouse, but she's also correct:
Said story was pretty clearly _the_ most important one in half a century
of Bay Area science fiction fanwriting.  Not that I also don't enjoy
fani writings about getting a bit drunk and taking one's girlfriend to
the movies, too.)

I have lately been unable to attend BASFA meetings because of conflicts
with my Monday evening class.  Apologies for that.

Cheers,             I'm ashamed at how often I use a thesaurus.  I mean 
Rick Moen           Embarrassed!  Wait--humiliated.  Repentant.  Chagrined!  
r...@linuxmafia.com                                        -- @cinemasins
McQ! (4x80)        
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