I would also like to remind everyone we will not have any auctions because of 


 From: "Standlee, Kevin" <standlee.ke...@menloworldwide.com>
To: BASFA list <ba...@basfa.org> 
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2015 8:42 PM
Subject: [Basfa] Hugo Recommendation Nights

I've updated the BASFA web page to include that we'll be discussing 
recommendations for the 2015 Hugo Awards on the nights of January 26, February 
2, and February 9. I'll be there on January 26 but then will be out of town the 
following three weeks. When I get back, I'll collect the results and collate 
them for posting to the LiveJournal Hugo Recommendations group. Don't worry, 
you'll still have time to cast your Hugo Nominating Ballot before the March 10 

Anyone at the meeting can make recommendations. You have to be a member of the 
2014, 2015, or 2016 Worldcon by the end of January in order to nominate on the 
actual ballot. You do not have to attend Worldcon to nominate or vote on the 
Hugo Awards; you need only have a supporting membership.


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