After last night's meeting, I reviewed my projected work schedule in the Bay Area and find that the next time I am supposed to be here is the week of February 2 (not the previous Monday as I said last night). Therefore, I propose that we do the first of probably three Hugo Recommendation Nights that night, Monday, February 2. I will bring the forms we've used for the past years and leave them with the club. The following two weeks, someone else will need to moderat the discussions of the other two-thirds of the ballot. I will return again on February 23 and collect the papers, then collate and reproduce the results as in past years.
If nobody steps forward to do the work on the nights of February 9 and 16, then nothing will happen. I'm only in the Bay Area about one week in three these days, so I can't keep this going completely on my own anymore. Thanks, Kevin Standlee _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list