Subject: Hugh Daniel's Estate Sale: this Sat/Sun 9-6, Pacifica
From:    "John Gilmore" <>
Date:    Sat, July 27, 2013 3:04 am
To:      [[lots of our friends]]-------------------

[It's at Hugh's house in the south end of Pacifica, across from the
 Denny's at Linda Mar.

 Please forward this asap to the Hackers and Pensfa and K-W mailing
 lists, if you haven't seen it come through there yet, so that all the
 XXXX-sized hackers/fans/friends can see it and come get Hugh's
 stylish XXXX clothes this weekend.  Not to mention tons of science
 fiction, computer books, computers, peripherals, networking gear,
 cables, cards, etc, etc, etc.  I found not one but TWO original Doug
 Engelbart mice and chord keyboards in there!  Lesli found FOUR custom
 flaming-X Xanadu belt buckles, and a Xanadu stock certificate #1!
 What will YOU find?

 What doesn't get bought will, sadly, be carted off to be recycled,
 so don't let Hugh's esoteric collection go to waste.  We asked Halted
 Specialties and they said "If it's between 6 and 20 years old, we send it
 straight to recycling"; they only look at or sell older and newer stuff.

    -- John Gilmore]

From: Lesli Daniel <>
Subject: Hugh's Estate Sale
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 02:11:22 -0700

Hugh's Estate Sale is this weekend Saturday & Sunday.  There is a load
of electronics, so come clear it out.

Where:  1263 Danmann Ave., Pacifica
When:   Saturday, July 27, 2013
                Sunday, July 28, 2013
Time:   9am-6pm

Men's 4X Clothes
Computers & Electronics (rack, cabinets, computers, monitors, cards,
Books (technical manuals, Sci-Fi)

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