Meeting 1199 July 22, 2013 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:00 ish - without Trey 27 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1198 were accepted as 'spork' the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $16.65 in the regular jar & some money in the party jar the Vice President reported that - as acting as God Emperor of BASFA - aka 'the big worm' - that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out & a new episode of '5 Cons' is out The President was in Southern California Announcements: Howeird announced that there'll be a free concert in Shoup park at 1:30pm at the last Sunday of the month by Ye Olde Towne Bande Adrienne announced that there's a new royal JC announced that Nerdvana Podcast - man of steel 4 - is out now and that the next podcast will be recorded Sunday, August 4 at noon & 5 Mo announced that she is going to need help moving Wednesday Tom announced that Potlatch Book of Honor nominations are now open on the website Ric announced that Fanboy Planet has a LOT of Comic Con coverage - with more to come Brad announced that the new comic book price guide is out Dave C announced that the Rocky & Bullwinkle statue is gone from Sunset Blvd - moved by Dreamworks & announced that there is an article out in 'Slate' explaining why all movies are the same Michael Siladi announced that Baycon charities donated $3200 to Jay Lake & $5200 to California Autism Foundation & announced that Baycon is sponsoring a contest for a new logo- give feedback to & Saturday, Aug 3 is at game day at his place in Mountain View [evil] Kevin announced that there are 9 days left to turn in your Hugo ballot Ken announced that his birthday, July 27 [Saturday] will be busy for him - the nomadic Retrodome 'Princess Bride' quote-a-long at Camera 12, 3pm - and later a Psychotronic Film Festival, 7pm at Foothill college, room 5015 - use parking lot 4 - then a Dennie's dinner afterwards Reviews: Ric reviewed 'Pacific Rim' as entirely what he wanted to see in a movie & Chris agreed, saying it was awesome Adrienne reviewed 'RIPd' as tons of fun & JC opined that it was really entertaining & then she reviewed 'The Conjuring' as she enjoyed it but resents its claim to be 'real life' - JC thought it was cliched but presented well & Chris thought it was a lot of fun Brad reviewed the Peninsula SF Museum of Art as free and very good & James Dougherty helped arrange for it & he reviewed 'White House Down' as 'so many plot holes' and it was a good thing it was free Ken reviewed 'Macbeth' at Shakespeare in the park as done in modern dress and free, but you pay on the way out JC reviewed 'Sharknado' as it sucked Diane reviewed 'Rasputin's Bastards' by Davic Nickle as pretty good & reviewed the 'SWFA European Hall of Fame' as nice Howeird reviewed 'Becky's New Car' at the Dragon Theatre in Redwood City on Broadway as it broke all the rules and had good acting, worth full price - but don't go on Friday because of the crowds Andy reviewed wine tasting in Lodi as 'not Westercon' & reviewed something Swedish that's worth seeing - [evil] Kevin reviewed good wine as worth full price Chris reviewed 'The Osiris Curse' by Paul Crilley as 'my hand to god' [he got caught] - a lovely book and he liked it Dave C reviewed 'Monsters University' as a fun show [tall] Kevin reviewed the Easy Motel 8 as 'only go there if you're desperate' then we did auctions we adjourned at 9:42 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Excuse me while I whip this out' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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