Meeting 1200
July 29, 2013

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8:08 - because ... reasons
32 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1199 were accepted as 'incoherent'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $13.63 in the regular jar
& $10.70 in the party jar

the Vice President reported that there are 2 episodes of the "leaf and Let
Die' podcast out and a new 'Drink Tank' out that is very short

The President seeks to engage the fannish network as his time at Lockheed
is at an end - so if you need a software engineer, hire him

Dave G announced that Hugo voting ends Wednesday, July 31 at 9:59 pm,
pacific time zone time

Chris announced that there will be visits by DUFF and TAFF folk on Aug 19

Beth announced that she lacks sewing skills and needs to build a Hallowe'en
costume, so she needs help

[tall] Kevin announced that he will only be here one Monday in August &
also announced that there is a move to eliminate all Fan Hugos

Adrienne announced that her car was attacked by a tree and she is upset

Ric announced that there's a new Fanboy Planet podcast out

Mo announced that she has moved out of her studio and that the cats have
temporary homes

[evil] Kevin reviewed a new restaurant, 'Black Bird Tavern' as the food was
delicious - it's at the corner of Doom [1st and Paseo de San Antonio] & he
recommends it highly

Adrienne reviewed 'RED 2' as she enjoyed it & it was worth full price & she
reviewed The Psychotronic Film Festival' as she had fun & she reviewed
'Cabin in the Woods' as really off the wall

Chris reviewed Napa as they like wine there & reviewed Morimoto's as they
wouldn't seat him there but would give him take-out - that was incredibly

Howeird reviewed 'Scattered Darkly' by Philip K Dick as it felt like he was
reading it for years and only the last paragraph was worthwhile & reviewed
the DVD for 'Spring Break' as pretty gross and he's donating his copy to
the BASFA auction

Dave G reviewed Jay Lake's pre-mortem wake as a good time was had by all

Ric reviewed 'The Wolverine' as very accurate & true to the Frank Miller in
Japan story and amazingly blood free, but not compelling & worth matinee

Fred reviewed Symphony Silicon Valley doing summer medleys as good

Diane reviewed The Psychotronic Film Festival' as better than sleep

then we did auctions

we adjourned at 9:27 pm

and the rumor of the week was: 'Apathy for the win'

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