Breaking news: Kramer and DragonCon have gotten a divorce.

  Deirdre Saoirse Moen

On Sun, Jul 7, 2013, at 09:41 AM, Tom Becker wrote:
> At 12:26 AM -0700 7/7/13, David Speakman wrote:
> >
> >As for the volunteers: The libertarian in me says that if volunteers 
> >are willing to work for free membership and T-Shirt - then there is 
> >no harm since they willingly do it. But the dyed-in-the-wool 
> >pro-union liberal in me yells at the libertarian side of me to shut 
> >up and says shame on me being an uncaring creep. (The conservative 
> >side of me was exiled in a bloodless coup three decades ago and has 
> >not been heard from since.)
> Kudos to your sides for getting along as well as they do, including 
> the conservative side. A real conservative understands the value of 
> not messing with something that's working.
> As for the volunteers, I'm writing this from Westercon where we 
> volunteers paid for our memberships and don't even get a free 
> T-shirt. But we're not being exploited; it's just a shoestring 
> operation that we are doing for the enjoyment of our fellow fen, and 
> because we're basically nuts.
>    Tom
> -- 
> Tom Becker <>
> Potlatch n. A science fiction convention where readers and
> writers meet on common ground.
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