Nope.  Seeing as how I'm a Division Head for Texas, ATL is pretty much off
the table.  Also, way, way, way too many people.



On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 2:15 PM, David Speakman <> wrote:

> Looks like I'm on a few SF TV panels at Dragon*Con in Atlanta this year
> after taking last year off and participating in their worker's workshops..
> Although it conflicts with Worldcon, if any other BASFA members are going
> to be at D*C and want to meet-up with me and my motley groups and our
> random fenanigans - in our consuite (or at the bar or assorted
> restaurants), gimme a holler.
> . . .
> I gotta tell you, D*C is like the Disney World of hotel-based cons. Too
> many people, too many options, too many panels, too many vendors, too many
> parties,. for one 4-day weekend.
> But, it has become an addictive fannish tentpole for my family's yearly
> fanac (and this year was demanded of me - as I dragged the non-writer
> spousal unit to one too many lit cons this year).
> - David
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