Boycotting the whole convention is the best way to put our point across. 
Besides, I'd rather go to Worldcon.


--- On Sun, 7/7/13, David Speakman <> wrote:

From: David Speakman <>
Subject: Re: [Basfa] DragonCon over Labor Day - Anyone else skipping TX and 
headed to ATL?
To: "Adrienne Foster" <>
Cc: "Deirdre Saoirse Moen" <>, "Glenn Glazer" 
Date: Sunday, July 7, 2013, 12:26 AM

On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Adrienne Foster <> wrote:

Despite being kicked off the board and being banished from the convention, 
Kramer still owns 1/3 of its stock and refuses to sell it because of the huge 
income the dividends provide him. This is what has been financing his defense 
and allowing him to stall his case.

In light of these developments, I am also disturbed that stockholders are 
receiving so much revenue from this convention while the majority of its staff 
comprises unpaid volunteers. I have no problem with for-profit conventions, but 
when a convention starts generating this kind of money, it seems those making 
it happen deserve a little more than a free membership and t-shirt.


Although I agree with your sentiments and frustration, I honestly do not see 
the point in boycotting an entire con because one unsavory character owns a 
large chunk of stock in its parent corporation - especially when that person is 
banned from the con for life and has had no say in how the con is run for more 
than a decade. (That said, I hope Mr. Kramer is convicted and sentenced to a 
very scary prison and the guards tell all of the inmates that he is a child 
rapist - so ... in a few months ... we will not have to worry about his 1/3 
share stake anymore.)

As for the volunteers: The libertarian in me says that if volunteers are 
willing to work for free membership and T-Shirt - then there is no harm since 
they willingly do it. But the dyed-in-the-wool pro-union liberal in me yells at 
the libertarian side of me to shut up and says shame on me being an uncaring 
creep. (The conservative side of me was exiled in a bloodless coup three 
decades ago and has not been heard from since.)

- DavidĀ --
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