Meeting 1130
March 26, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8 pm - 'it's time'
33 people attended
We failed to establish a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1129 were accepted as '2 corrections enter, no
corrections leave'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1129 we took in $6.18 in the regular
jar and $6.35 in the party jar

The VP was not there

The President greeted a new face to BASFA - Gary Feierbach [aka Kalifer
Deil] & we welcomed him

Ken announced that the Retrodome is 2 days away from the end of their
Kickstarter funding effort and they still need help - lots of help

Lisa announced that Fogcon is this weekend at the Marriott in Walnut Creek,
starting Friday with free parking

Mo announced that Contact is also this weekend at the Domain hotel in
Sunnyvale - and she is in charge of the art show

Ric announced that he's helped fund the Retrodome Kickstarter as it looks
worthwhile & also announced that there'll be a PechaKucha night, April 17,
7pm at the Sonoma Chicken Coop in Campbell & is free

Adrienne announced that her phone problems have been fixed

Carole announced that Clockwork Alchemy is coming up over the memorial Day
weekend & there's an organization meeting this Sunday, 3pm at the Almaden
room in the downtown Hilton

Jo announced that he has moved, thanked folks & said he has a futon to give

Dave C announced that the Saint Stupid Day Parade is in SF this Sunday,
gathering near the TransAmerica building & also announced that Norwescon is
coming up, over the Easter weekend in Seattle & announced that there is
information about Creature Con on

Howeird announced that the Mission City Coffee  Roasting Company is folding
& also announced that both Shatner & Nimoy are now 81 years old

Geri announced that her Goodwill store [at San Thomas Aquino Road &
Campbell] has been remodelled into pure awesome & announced that her bad
boss was fired

Josh announced that Food for Thought has a board meeting this Friday at
this Coco's at 7pm & announced that the Impact Theatre in Berkeley - in the
basement of Lavals Pizzeria - is still doing 'Titus Andronicus' & it's

[evil] Kevin announced that this Saturday afternoon is a Trans Day of
Visibility at the Billy deFrank center [check]

Bradford reviewed  the ICFA [International Conference of Fantastic Arts] in
Florida as very casual and he had a good time there & got to visit the
Space Center which was nice & that next year's topic is science fiction &
fantasy as adapted in other media - get your papers in now; he recommends
the conference

Howeird reviewed the Irvington HS conservatory theatre [in Fremont] for
their 'Beauty and the Beast' as beautiful and fantastic, really good,
though the orchestra was too loud and the sound board was done poorly;
there will be shows there Thursday, Friday & Saturday - highly recommended

Gary Feierbach [aka Kalifer Deil] offered a copy of his book for review =
'Tilliam 5, A New Beginning' [sold on Amazon & ebooks]

Fred reviewed 'Battle Royale' as a really interesting & extensively long
mange - and is cited as suspiciously akin to 'Hunger Games' - only 10 years
older than the current fan flick

Mike reviewed 'John Carter of Mars' as he was really blown away by it, it
was very worth matinee - and there was prolonged discussion of its merits,
lacks and the simply awful advertizing campaign

Adrienne reviewed 'Hunger Games' as she loved it - worth full price - & Ric
reviewed it as violent YA and way over-hyped but that it didn't really work
for him but would rather see it a dozen times than see another 'Twilight'
movie, worth matinee; there were various other comments, snarks & a
recommendation to get Valerie's book = 'Katniss the Cat Tail ... an
unauthoriZed Guide to the Hunger Games' [by Valerie Estelle Frankel]
     ... and THEN Adrienne also reviewed 'Magic in the Shadows' by Devon
Monk as she enjoyed it and recommends it & also reviewed the lastest UK
episode of 'Being Human' as a good episode with a distracting guest star

Josh reviewed Moo Cards as their card stock is fantastic []

Ric reviewed the 2nd season of 'Sherlock' as he is enjoying the episodes
like they are a fine wine

We did auctions
we adjourned at 9:57 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'BASFA's next party will feature a spray
tan unit'

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