Minutes of Meeting #1443
Monday, March 26, 2018

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas

Called to order at 8 pm, with verve
20 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1442 were accepted as 'Barbara laughed maniacally'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1442 we took in $0.00 in the regular
jar & $7.25 in the party jar

the VP reported that Diane would be late

the President had nothing fannish to report

The Sports Committee reported that there are still tickets available for
the May 18 Giants vs Rockies game BASFA outing - see Dave G.  Then Ken
reported that there are still tickets available for the BASFA outing to the
Harry Potter night San Jose Giants game, Friday, June 15 = $52 per person
for the Martinelli’s VIP deck.  Email ba...@p4tt.com if you are interested.

Ken announced that this Saturday is the KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival,
March 31 at 7pm at Foothill college, room 5015. $5 donation to KFJC, $3 for
parking (not a donation)

Lisa announced that Harold is in the hospital again & is getting annoyed at
his quality of care there

[evil] Kevin announced that there will be the announcement of the Hugo
final ballot this Saturday at 7:30pm at Seven Stars [a couple doors down
from the Pink Poodle]

Dave C announced that NorWesCon is this weekend

Dave G announced that the Sharks won in the shootout

Adrienne announced that the 10th Doctor will be at WozCon

Diane announced that she has flyers for Worldcon 76 & that they will have
fan tables at many conventions, such as NorWesCon & FollyCon to spread
flyers among

Dave Wallis reviewed 3 books 'Null States' by Malka Older as dealing with
micro-democracies & a solid read; then Andy Weir's 'Artemis' as set on a
lunar colony & a fun story & recommended; then 'The Strange Case of the
Alchemist's Daughter' by Theodora Goss as a good pastiche & Mo commented
that she liked it, as well

Bill reviewed Consonance this last weekend as a fun con with excellent
musical performances, Carole said they had MEW [Mary Ellen Wessels] as a
house-guest & found her lovely; Lisa commented that the con was really,
really nice & she enjoyed herself

Harold reviewed bad corporate behavior by AOL as they are unable to update
his desktop software

JC reviewed 'Focus', a Will Smith movie from last year, as it had an
interesting plot, several good twists & is free On Demand on Xfinity

we had auctions

we adjourned at 9:01

Rumor of the week was that 'Blow Dave - blow!'

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