Meeting 1129
March 19, 2012
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8 p.m., with some debate over what time it actually was
President and Secretary absent
Vice President presiding
Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker
29 people attended
We established a party jar.
The minutes for meeting 1128 were accepted as "blah, blah, blah."
The VP reported there's a new Drink Tank out and in his rush to include a 
review for a new book to coincide with its release, he found the book was due 
to go out to the public in July.
        Dave C. formally asked the VP about checking whether Minicon still 
requires any parties held on its Sunday to have folksinging.
The treasurer reported that Anaheim was winning 3 to 2.
        He added that we collected $12.93 in the general jar and exactly $10 in 
the party at meeting 1128, giving us totals of $12,134.73 and$300.63, 
Mike Mc. said a couple of local musicians, Scott T. Miller and Lori Ludy, give 
really good shows and will be appearing at the Mission City Coffee Roast Co. on 
Friday, March 23, at 7:30 p.m. There is a $10 cover fee.
Andy said Robogames will take place at the San Mateo County Fairgounds April 
20–22 and their Thinbot will be making an appearance there. Go to for more info.
JC is looking for a 3D artist for help with a project he is working on.
Korey, the Vice Chair at Clockwork Alchemy, clarified they are having a dealers 
room and party rooms. They're calling their hucksters' room the Artists' Bazar 
and the process for reserving a room for a party is a little different. Please 
go to for more details.
Kevin S. said he'll be taking possession of a smaller apartment April 21 and 
needs help moving some things into a truck around that time. Please contact him 
if you're available.
        He also added that SFF Translation Awards is handing out prizes. If 
you're one of the winners, please reply to its emails to claim your prize, 
otherwise they will be given to alternate winners.
Ken said the Legion of Rassilon meeting will be March 23 at Carl's Junior on 
First Street at 7:30 p.m. There will be NO fifth Friday meeting this month.
        He added there will also be a Creature Feature convention, Creaturescon 
1, in San Leandro on May 5. For more info, go to:
Josh said Thought for Food is having a meeting. See him for details, since I 
missed them.
Ed said Contact will be the last weekend in March.
MO said her computer is down, so anyone needing to contact her should do it by 
        I followed on that I lost my cell phone and my home phone is giving me 
problems, so anyone needing to contact me would do better by email.
Ed loves David Webber's work, but was taken back that his latest novel, Out of 
the Dark, had vampires.
Andy said Eurovision posted a song by Engelbert Humperdink on YouTube. He 
believes all of the contestants were very good except Latfia, which was really, 
really bad. He said another song, "Chow Down a Chic-fil-let" is hilarious and 
is going viral on YouTube.
I reviewed the 2011 Hugo-nominated Dervish House, by Ian McDonald, as a 
well-plotted novel with interesting characters and an exotic setting, but his 
writing style just didn't appeal to me and took months to read. Despite that, 
it was a stronger novel than a couple of others that were nominated last year 
and deserved better than fifth place.
Diane saw a video of Steampower Giraffe and loved it.
Ken said Syfy Bob Eckman brought stuff to the Psychotronic Film Festival last 
weekend he only just acquired within the past couple of months. Most of the 
people attending had never been there before and he and Jerry had lots of fun. 
If you've never been, go!
        Dave C. followed on there was a lot of interesting stuff to see. Not 
only did it have live dancing, but there were also film clips with Clark Gable 
and Joan Crawford dancing.
Ken and Jerry also went to the Retrodome's singalong with the Sound of Music. 
Sound of Music and Mama Mia are two movies that really pack the house.
        They also recommend a restaurant, The Melt, at the Stanford Shopping 
Center. It specializes in grilled cheese sandwiches.
Ric says the first five minutes of Iron Sky are available on YouTube and look 
MO read a book called Kabunko [?] of Oz, by Ruth Plumley Thompson (?), and 
wonders about the wackiness of Oz books.
Dave C. saw Godzilla vs. Megaguirus. He seemed disturbed that every Godzilla 
movie has a whole new timeline and takes place in 1954. In this one, the 
Japanese build a machine that shoots black and worm holes.
        Dann said viewers need to suspend their disbelief to fully appreciate 
this one.
        MO loved it and because of its better special effects. Despite its 
campiness, it had a few scary moments and she recommends it.
Dave C. also saw Comic Book Men, another cable reality show seen on AMC. It 
shows guys working in a comic book shop in New Jersey. He says it is not a 
        Ric thought the Antique Roadshow aspect is believable and enjoys it.
        JC contacted the store about Star Wars props it had when he recognized 
one as bogus. He'll be called on as an expert in the future.
        Having worked in a comic shop, MO thought it hit close to home.
Dave C. said the fundraiser at the Other Change of Hobbit was poorly turned 
out, but successful with the turnout it had.
        Chuck said he enjoyed it.
Dave C. also brought up Shatner's World, the one-man show William Shatner was 
doing. He said it was poorly reviewed and some performances were cancelled due 
to poor sales.
Kevin S. attended the High Speed Rail meeting five days ago to say his piece on 
the proposed train for California. He praised State Senator Joe Simitian for 
his patience to let everyone who wanted to talk have their say.
Ric saw the Walking Dead second season finale and thought it was astonishing 
and highly recommends it.
        Lisa said Will Wheaton posted that the next season the story will be on 
the holodeck and written by Wesley Crusher.
Blackfeather saw Boy and thought it was fun and it's worth full price. He also 
saw Chronicle and thought it was interesting and worth matinee.
We did auctions.
Rumor of the Week:
"There should be no taxes and we should all live in the Valley of the Shmoon."
We adjourned around 10 p.m.
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