Meeting 1107
October 17, 2011
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began 8:00 p.m.
President and Secretary mysteriously absent
Vice President presiding
Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker
23 people attended
We established a party jar.
The minutes of meeting 1106 were accepted as rental crockpots
Treasurer said he missed the last meeting because his mother had an urgent care 
issue, but she is doing better now. As of the start of meeting 1105, BASFA's 
general fund balance was $11,678.77; the party jar had $370.52.
The President's wasn't there to report.
The VP reported there's a new Drink Tank out, available at and 
the next issue will be about the Rocky Horror Picture Show. He said he's lost 
track of which issues these are since the last few covers haven't included the 
numbers. He said Drink Tank #300 is a work in progress and currently has over 
200 pages.
        He also handed out copies of the TAFF ballot.
The Sports Committee said that the San Jose Sharks were trailing in their game 
that evening. I added that the NY Jets were winning, but not scoring enough for 
me to win this week's picks.
Kevin R. announced that the Retro Dome (formerly the Century 25 Theater) will 
be showing Little Shop of Horrors and Rocky Horror Picture Show with singalongs 
this weekend. Next weekend, they'll be showing Star Treks II, III, and IV and 
doing "Trek or Treat." For more info, go to
Howeird said that Dennis Ritchey died on October 12. I followed on that it was 
also the 22nd anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake.
        Howeird added that Robin Shelby (née Navlyt) will be a Ghostbusters 
reunion at Hell Hound Weekend, November 11–13 in Cincinnati, Ohio. For more 
info, go to
Dave C. said that the new version of Charlie's Angels was canceled after ABC 
showed only three episodes.
Brad asked Dave G. to send him that list.
I announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters has a couple of meetups arranged for 
the near future. This Saturday, October 22, we'll be meeting for lunch at the 
haunted Wyndham (formerly LeBaron) Hotel, where I have also reserved the 
haunted room. On Sunday, November 13, BAGH will be celebrating its 5th 
anniversary at the haunted Old Spaghetti Factory in San Jose. For more details, 
please go to 'Tis the season.
Jo said a friend wanted to be in the right room at the haunted Santa Cruz jail.
Harold said Dawson was declared winner by TKO, which created some banter that 
went over my head.
        Harold added he spent his summer vacation in Paris and loved it. The 
best way to get around is by foot. He saw Monet art at a museum. Cokes cost €9. 
He now thinks of it as home and it was worth full price.
        Diane, Brad and Kevin S. all followed on with positive comments.
I took the Haunted Haight tour in San Francisco since the last BASFA meeting. 
It's a deliciously creepy way to spend some time during this holiday season. 
For more info, please go to
Andy said the Quilt Fair was worth full price.
        He also saw The Fades and says it's worth stealing.
Kevin S. had a frustrating experience at the Nevada DMV.
Josh read Dragons in the Stars by Jeffrey A. Carver and said it was worth full 
price. He also said Catch 22, by Joseph Heller is very, very good.
We did auctions.
Rumor of the Week:
"Two bucks and Chris can have it."
We adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
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