Meeting 1106

October 10, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began around 8:02pm - with visible humidity

26 people attended

The minutes for meeting 1105 were accepted as 'weird'

the proxy Treasurer report was that at meeting 1105 we took in $37.24 in the
regular jar & $0.00 in the party jar

The VP reported that there is NO new 'Drink Tank' out [shock, horror] - but
the layout for issue #300 is up to page 158 & there'll be a new issue out

The President had nothing fannish to report - but we said 'hi' to Brad
Ackerman, visiting us for the 1st time

We then did auctions - lots of books, some magazines, light sticks & a video

Jo announced that Jim Lindeman had died [so did some other guys]

Andy announced that this weekend is the Pacific International Quilt Festival
- starting Thursday and running thru Sunday afternoon in the Santa Clara
convention center

Rick announced that on Oct 11 there will be a Pecha Kucha 'Tell Your Story'
event at the Sonoma Chicken Coop In Campbell

Josh announced that he was back & for details, see him personally

Ken announced that Quickstar has been given a mercy killing

Josh reviewed 'Hunger Games' by Collins as really enjoyable & reviewed 'Real
Steel' as also enjoyable

Jo reviewed 'Green' by Jay Lake as 'wow', but not the best book he ever read
& the main character is really well drawn & reviewed 'Steel Across the Sky'
by Nancy Kress as engaging, but not compelling

Diane reviewed Vintacon as wonderful but highly recommended - even as just a
driver - Lisa follow-on'd that she also enjoyed herself, although she's not
that fond of reds; Andy followed that it was the best Vintacon in years,
Dave C follow-on'd that it was a fun weekend with great fine & he saw dogs
and cats in peaceful non-cohabitation; Ken follow-on'd that there was a
lovely cheese shop in downtown Lodi and he had a great wine grape soda

Blackfeather reviewed New Orleans as looking better - lots of construction
going on and the weather was nice for September & reviewed Silicon Valley
Code Camp as completely free & they feed you lunch - there were about 15
tracks going on at once & it was really fun

Brad reviewed the restaurant wireless as disappointing

Rick reviewed the 1st 2 episodes of Pan Am as a nice period piece but too
crammed with plot hoods and not worth seeing the 3rd episode

Dann reviewed 'Secret Origins' - the history of DC comics - as being online
& really, really informative, concise & he thoroughly enjoyed it

Mo forgot what she was going to review

Dave C reviewed the 1st episode of 'Bedlam' as an attempt to cross
'Supernatural' with 'The Real World' & not well thought out - he has his

Bradford reviewed the book 'The Rite' as a nice intro book to exorcisms

we adjourned at 9:47pm

Rumor of the Week: 'when you buy a book you're buying the illusion that you
have time to read it'

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