To clarify the podcast I reviewed is Steven Nelson's The Jackalcast.  Can be 
found at

Episode 4: Hugo award winning fanzine editor Christopher J Garcia joins the 
JackalCast for an often hilarious, occasionally surreal thing that vaguely 
resembles an interview. Major topics of conversation include AquaMan, the 
Computer History Museum, his second-worst idea ever, Sherlock Holmes, and 
things, for which he has a tremendous fondness.


>> From: Adrienne Foster <>
>> To: BASFA <>
>> Sent: Wed, January 11, 2012 10:23:37 PM
>> Subject: [Basfa] BASFA minutes for October 17, 2011
>> Meeting 1119
>> January 9, 2012
>> Trey Haddad, President
>> Chris Garcia, Vice President
>> Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
>> Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
>> Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
>> held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
>> Began promptly at 8:00 p.m., before I had pen and paper handy
>> President and Secretary mysteriously absent
>> Vice President presiding
>> Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker
>> 27 people attended
>> We established a party jar.
>> The minutes of meeting 1118 were accepted as "Lily von Schnowflake"
>> Treasurer reported at meeting 1118 we collected $15.00 in the regular jar 
>> and $25.18 in the party jar.
>> The President's wasn't there to say he had nothing fannish to report.
>> The VP reported there's a new Drink Tank out, in memory of Rusty Hevelin.
>> The Sports Committee is considering possible Giants games for a BASFA group 
>> outing and was considering Thursday afternoon , May 17, against the St. 
>> Louis Cardinals or Sunday, May 20, against the Oakland A's. On May 20, there 
>> is a Brian Wilson gnome promotion and the picture of it Dave G. showed us 
>> was so darned cute. (For a peek, go to 
>>  and click on the asterisk in the May 20 box.)
>> Announcements:
>> Dave C. reminded everyone that Further Confusion (aka Furcon) is this 
>> weekend. For more details, go to:
>>         The schedule for SF Sketchfest, the San Francisco Comedy Festival, 
>> is up. You can see a taping of the Nerdest podcast there. For more details, 
>> go to:
>>         The book store, No New Books, located on California Street near El 
>> Camino in Palo Alto , is still open. It will be bringing in more books and 
>> other merchandise, maybe even telescopes.
>>         Dave recently received his 10,000th rating on eBay, after joining in 
>> June of 1998. He's looking forward to receiving his next landmark star in 
>> 2030.
>> Ken said that Region of Rassilon will be celebrating its 30th anniversary on 
>> Saturday, January 28. He said there will be no Friday meeting this month.
>> MO said her phone is not working and her internet access is spotty, but she 
>> is still taking art commissions, for anyone who is interested.
>> Mike Mc says the western swing pocket orchestra, the Saddle Cats, will be 
>> playing at Mission City Coffee Roasting Company at 8 p.m. this Saturday, 
>> January 14. He says they're a brilliant band and well worth the $20/$22 
>> cover fees.
>> I announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters has a couple of interesting outings 
>> coming up. BAGH will be taking a ghost tour of the Peralta Hacienda in the 
>> Oakland Fruitvale district at 4 p.m. on January 21. We're also offering a 
>> special ghost tour of the Rosicrucian Museum at noon on February 11 for $13. 
>> For further details, please go to 
>> Kevin R. says he and Andy are throwing a party at Furcon, for no particular 
>> reason other than they want to.                    
>> Kevin S. reminded everyone that the Hugo nominating deadline is March 11 
>> this year and that BASFA will have three consecutive meetings taking 
>> nominating recommendations for starting January 30.
>> Reviews:
>> Deirdre saw Sir Paul McCartney's concert in Liverpool . She said the 
>> pyrotechnics for "Live and Let Die" were amazing and she felt privileged to 
>> see him perform a song that he's rarely done live since Wings broke up. It 
>> was worth full price.
>>         I followed on it's always worth seeing "Live and Let Die" performed 
>> live.
>> Ric saw a live taping of the podcast Jack-o-Cast and said it is worth full 
>> price.
>> Ed read Declare by Tim Powers and is becoming quite a fan. He said this 
>> novel is excellent and worth full price.
>>         Lisa H. pointed out that most of Powers's main characters lose body 
>> parts.
>>         Mike Mc. said Wayne Ashbless appears in Tim Powers novels.
>>         Dave C. said Powers won't leave Ashbless and Sandy Blaylock alone.
>> Tom B. received the latest Chunga, which had an excellent article on Joanna 
>> Russ. He said it is a high quality fanzine that is now eligible for Hugo 
>> nominating.
>> Andy said he and Kevin R. went to Twelfth Night. The drive to Concord was 
>> awful, the hotel was fair, but Twelfth Night was worth it.
>> Dave C. read The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl, by Tim Pratt. It was 
>> worth full price.
>> Chris saw The Artist and said it's a great little movie that's worth full 
>> price.
>> We did auctions.
>> Rumor of the Week:
>> "65ยข for Chris."
>> We adjourned at 9:42 p.m.
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