*Meeting 1101*
*September 5, 2011* Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale *Began at 8 pm* *22 people attended* *The minutes for meeting 1100 were accepted as 'on the hour'* *the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1100 we took in $7.20 in the regular jar & $17.00 in the party jar* *The VP was not here* *The President had nothing fannish to report* *We did auctions* = cookies for $0.50; a books for $0.25; DVDs for $1.00, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25; a blanket for $0.25, a lamp for $0.25, phones for $1.00, videos for $0.25, cords for $0.25, & CDs for $0.25, $0.25, $0.50, $0.50 *Announcements*: Dave G announced that Vintacon 7 will be held in Lodi October 7-9 at the Hampton inn - he has fliers & he announced that he & Spring will be seeing 'Evil Dead the Musical' this Saturday, Sept 10 and tickets are still available Adrienne announced that her dad has a new cat & on Oct 2 Santa Clara will have lots of roads closed for the day Howeird announced that he will be moving in about a month - that the lease signing was an adventure - & also announced birthdays Dave C announced that next year's Wondercon will be held in Anaheim & BASCon will be in November and may ... be ... the ... last ... one Lisa announced that Westercon 66 still has online registration - check www.westercon66.org [evil] Kevin announced that the member directory is now online for Westercon 66 Ken announced that this coming January will be the Legion of Rasselon's 30th anniversary & there may be something special planned Spike announced that there's a new con 'Convolution' at the Hyatt in Burlingame, the 2nd weekend in November 2012, check con-volution.com Trey announced that we have a 27” TV to find a home for *Reviews*: Adrienne reviewed the Pleasanton Scottish Highland Games as there were thousands there - and caber tossing, haggis ona stick, whiskey tasting, sheep herding, masses of dealers & fun opportunities for shopping - she had fun and highly recommends going there Mike reviewed 'Men of Tomorrow' by Gerard Jones as really quite good & worth hardback Howeird reviewed 'Captain America' as he saw it in 2 parts - broken up by a fire alarm & evacuation - that closed the theatre - that he came back, saw the rest & thought Tommy Lee Jones was the only bright spot in the film - that the soundtrack was nice, the end credits were good, the costumes were brilliant & worth seeing for the closing credits; Mile follow-on'd that he really liked the movie & felt there were some good comic touches in it Dave C reviewed Chris Roberson's 'Set the Seas on Fire' as historical fantasy & a good read, worth paperback & reviewed a restaurant - the east side Mel's as 'and then I tried the food' and it was not good - worse than Dennies Dave G reviewed the Stein collection at the SF Museum of Modern Art as go see it & well worth full price *we adjourned at 9:30 pm * *Rumor of the Week: 'Opening soon - 'Christine the Musical' - starring Kit' * -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' melc...@gmail.com *******************
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